

96 Uppsatser om Gudrun clearing - Sida 1 av 7

Effektivare röjningssätt med kedjeröjsågen?

After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce. The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw.

Skogsbruksplanen - ett hjälpmedel i vattenförvaltningsfrågor? : en intervjustudie

After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce. The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw.

Privata skogsägares benägenhet till röjning i Gudrunområdet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to examine how small-scale private forest ownersmake decisions regarding pre-commercial thinning. In 2015 it is ten years agosince the storm Gudrun hit the southern parts of Sweden and now large areas arein need of pre-commercial thinning. This study is built upon qualitativeinterviews with seven small-scale private forest owners with forest properties inthe county Kronoberg. The respondents were chosen by the modelSKOGSÄGARPROFILENTM (forest owner profile).The results of the interviews showed that five categories: ownership, the stormGudrun´s impact, silviculture, forestry contacts and driving force was important.How will their purpose and aim affect the pre-commercial thinning? Personalinterests, and expectations of the next generation to take over, are purposes thisstudy has found.

Identifiering av röjningsbestånd med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning

Bergvik Skog is one of the leading forest companies in Sweden who use airborne laser scanning for forestry information. They utilize laser data retrieved by the Swedish National Land Survey to describe the forest holdings and facilitate planning for thinning and final felling operations. However, the possibility to identify stands with clearing needs by using laser scanning data has not been tested in a large scale. The data used in the current study are field data from The Swedish National Forest Inventory in combination with laser data from the Swedish National Land Survey acquired in 2009. The collected data is used to find one or several laser variables that best describe the relationship of the field measured samples with clearing needs.

Skogen,stormen Gudrun, röjningsarbetet och kulturmiljöerna.

Uppsatsen är ett försök till att öppna upp en dialog mellan arkeologin, myndigheterna och skogsbruket i hopp om en öppnare syn till bevarande och en säker fortlevnad för kulturmiljöerna i våra skogar. Detta gjordes genom dokumentationer efter stormen Gudrun, kontakt med relevanta instanser samt en fältstudie.Resultatet visade att det i det studerade området inte skett så stora skador som i begynnande skrivskede befarats..

Viltanpassad röjning längs skogsbilvägar som en foderskapande åtgärd för älgen

The moose is a keystone species in the boreal forest ecosystem, but the dense Swedish population do cause some serious problems. From a forestry perspective, their browsing on young Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) causes extensive losses of revenue. Adjusting the cleaning along roadsides of low trafficked forest roads can favour the production of plant species preferred by the moose. This is thought to redirect the moose´s browsing to the roadsides and thereby decrease the damages on commercial forest.The aim of this study has been to present a first evaluation of the vegetation in roadsides, one year after wildlife-adapted roadside clearing has been undertaken. In the wildlifeadapted clearing operation, the roadside was widened by removal of some trees in the forest edge whereupon a complementary clearing with a conventional chain flail was conducted.

Betesskador före och efter stormen Gudrun

Den 8 januari 2005 drabbades södra Sverige av stormen Gudrun, detta resulterade i att ca 272 000 ha skogsmark skadades i Götaland, och av denna yta var 64 % så pass hårt drabbade att föryngringsplikt inträdde. I jämförelse med skogsägarna som drabbades hårt av de ekonomiska konsekvenserna fick hjortdjuren en ökad fodertillgång och gavs möjlighet att öka i antal. Syftet med denna studie var att analysera eventuella trender och samband i frågan om betesskador orsakade av de större hjortdjuren före och efter stormen Gudrun och om detta i sin tur kunde kopplas till tillgången på foder och populationens storlek av de större hjortdjuren. Med data från riksskogstaxeringens inventeringar av fodertillgång har vi gjort beskrivande analyser och statistiska analyser i Minitab. Vi har kunnat konstatera att viltfodret har ökat, betesgraden för björk och övriga viltfoder arter har minskat och tallens betesskador har förändrats mellan perioderna 2000-2004 och 2008-2012. Det hårda betet på tall har ökat och tall utan bete har ökat..

Lämplig röjningstidpunkt utifrån björkstubbskottens konkurrens

The purpose of this report was to investigate if there are any correlation between spruce medium height in young spruce stands and the number of birch stump shoots. The purpose was also to investigate if there are any correlation between the spruce height growth after clearing and the mean height of birch stump shoots. The reason for this investigation is that the problem with birch stump shoots after clearing can be expensive if there must be additional clearings before the first thinning. The study provides no apparent association and therefore no special clearance height is recommended. In the final stages of the work there are given some comments on the study´s weaknesses. Finally topics for further research are suggested..

Bilden av stormen : fotografiets minnesfunktion och mediebildens iscensättning

I min undersökning har jag intresserat mig för bilder från en katastrof. Jag har valt en katastrof som jag själv har upplevt, stormen Gudrun som 2005 svepte in över södra Sverige. Min frågeställning har varit: Hur berättar privata bilder respektive mediebilder om stormen Gudrun och vilka funktioner fyller de olika bildtyperna? Jag har valt att undersöka dels den mediala bilden, men också den privata bilden i form av fotografier av stormen Gudrun. Jag har kategoriserat mediebilder från stormen Gudrun utifrån olika semiotiska modeller.

Med nya ögon mot stormen : Krisberedskap, ansvar och lärande ur ett medborgarperspektiv.

The aim of this essay is, due to a noted lack of earlier research together with an even more accentuated responsibility regarding the matter in question, to study the citizens? preparedness for crisis. Starting out from a number of questions regarding the citizens? responsibility andlearning from the hurricanes Gudrun and Per, the discussion concerns the terminology ofcrisis together with the question of responsibility and learning from experience.In conclusion, the source material consisting of nine interviews shows that preparedness for crisis for the affected citizen above all is related to the personal measures to create a working situation in a state of crisis. Hence, to a great extent, the citizens show consciousnessof their own responsibility.

Attityders betydelser : Attityduttryck och deras retoriska effekter i en tv-debatt mellan Gudrun Schyman och Maria Arnholm

Attityders betydelser är en undersökning som syftar till att skapa en förståelse av hur attitydgestalter fungerar i en debattsituation genom att analysera hur ickeverbal retorik såsom kroppsspråk, blickar och gester samspelar med det som uttryckligen sägs. Forskningsobjektet utgjordes av en tv-debatt i SVT Agenda mellan Gudrun Schyman (Fi) och jämställdhetsminister Maria Arnholm (Fp) kring den såkallade ?lönefrågan?, om hur politikerna ska verka för att lönerna i Sverige ska bli mer jämställda mellan kvinnor och män.Analysen visade att Schyman uttrycker många starka negativa attityduttryck som skapar en konflikt i debattens diskursdynamik. Dessa attityduttryck i kombination med vad Schyman säger till Arnholm gör att de båda debattörernas ethos och maktpositioner förändras, där Schyman får ett övertag i debatten som hon kan utnyttja för att till slut vinna den.Frågor som kan vara intressanta för vidare forskning är om Schymans konfliktskapande attityduttryck kan generaliseras till andra retoriker och med vilket syfte det i så fall verkar ske. Sådan forskning skulle kunna nyansera den retorik som framförs i politiska debatter och indirekt bidra till att granska dessa ideologikritiskt..

I medborgarnas tjänst?:En studie om avregleringens effekter på ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer inom tre samhällsviktiga serviceområden i samband med orkanen Gudrun

The essay's aim is to explain how responsibility distribution between private and public bodies, primarily within three important service areas, can be visualised in light of the fact that they have experienced different forms of readjustment. We have chosen to study this by looking at the restoration work taking place after the hurricane Gudrun swept across southern Sweden on January 8-9, 2005; and we have chosen to concentrate on the service areas of electricity- and telephone supply, and public transport. The responsibility distribution has been depicted by carrying out qualitative interviews with employees within both private and public bodies included in the restoration work. The conclusion produced is that there were obscurities in the formal responsibility distribution between private and public actors taking place in conjunction with the hurricane restoration work.In a deeper analysis, the result can be explained by a ?several hands? problem arising since the number of actors has increased as the public sphere has adopted leadership forms influenced by the private business sector.

Does tree removal along railroads in Sweden influence the risk of train accidents with moose and roe deer?

After the storm Gudrun in 2005, the Swedish Transport Administration started clear-cutting of railroad corridors to reduce the risk of trees falling down on the tracks. Simultaneously, train accidents with moose and roe deer have become more frequent and the costs for consequent delays and repairs of engines are of growing concern. There is reason to assume that tree-clearance of railroad corridors may have contributed to an increase in number of accidents with moose and roe deer because the cleared areas provide attractive forage and thus may attract wildlife. The objective of my study was to investigate how clearing of trees affected the number of accidents with moose and roe deer. I compared deer-train collision frequencies before and after clearance of the selected railroads and compared these with uncleared control railroads in a BACI (before-after control-impact) approach.

Gudruns resa : en visuell diskursanalytisk studie

Denna studie jämför det visuella materialet från Gudrun Sjödéns klädkataloger med Kilroys resekataloger. Huvudfrågan i undersökningen är vilka olika diskurser somhittas i de utvalda texterna från Gudrun Sjödéns klädkataloger och Kilroy travels resekataloger och hur dessa hittade diskurser opererar. Vad berättar dessa bilder om? Hur berättas det? Och till Vem berättas det. Som en del i undersökningen intervjuas Gudrun Sjödén konsumenter, bildlärare, en lektor i journalistik och ungdomar från ett estetiskt gymnasieprogram.

Sex skogsägares upplevelser av stormen Gudrun: en expolrativ studie

In Sweden we are spared from large natural disasters. However, in January 2005 part of Sweden was struck by a hurricane. It did not only leave a decimated landscape in its wake. It also left its mark on many people who lived in the south of Sweden. In this paper the reader will be presented six qualitative interviews that build on forestowners' experiences during and in the aftermath of the Storm of January 2005.

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